Important COVID-19 Considerations

This catalog constitutes the basic agreement between the college and its students and prospective students with regard to the Bates College academic experience. Every effort is made to provide the most accurate information possible on the college's academic and financial policies, curriculum, and courses. However, the coronavirus pandemic has created uncertainties that can alter elements of this catalog. The catalog lists all courses in the curriculum. The courses offered in the fall and winter semesters and the Short Term appear in the Course Schedule. Evolving public health circumstances may result in changes in course offerings; the college reserves the right to cancel a course, reschedule the meeting time for a course, change the mode of instruction, or change the instructor if deemed necessary.

In addition, the pandemic may impact the residential experience generally, requiring modifications to and limitations on students' participation in extracurricular and other activities of residence life. In the event of a major surge or spike in COVID-19 cases in Maine or nationally, or of other unforeseen effects of the pandemic, it may be necessary for the college to suspend all residential operations, including in- person instruction.